Climate change has become one of the biggest issues humans have to face. Every year the effects become more apparent, and one of the top green certifications available to try to help the planet is the Passive House certification.


The “Passive House” standard was created in Germany 25 years ago by the Passive House Institute of Darmstadt Germany, working to create an internationally-recognized set of green standards and initiatives for residential, public, and commercial buildings. In 2010, the New York Passive House organization was created to bring the rigorous standards to the five boroughs and begin a green movement. Read on to see all the amazing features of the house that benefit both the environment and your health!

45-12 11th St FEATURES

  • The townhouse offers several outdoor green spaces, providing the opportunity to grow your own produce; not only does this reduce the carbon footprint, but also making eating healthier much easier (and cheaper). Water runoff is also collected to help irrigate the gardens, as do the rain barrels, making gardening at home even more convenient and sustainable.
  • Drying clothes on a clothesline is not only great to reduce electricity use (and costs from doing so), but also disinfect clothing with a little help from the sun.
  • The Passive House-certified triple glazed windows have multiple benefits: they are sound attenuating, ensuring a peaceful and quiet home environment, they aid in temperature control to not only help regulate for a comfortable home year round, but also further reduce energy bills, and aids in retaining the freshest air you’ll breathe in New York City.
  • The Passive House-compliant structure forms an airtight “envelope”, or essentially a high-tech seal to assist in retaining climate control. Paired with the windows and the heat recovery system that recycles the warm air from the kitchens and bathrooms, exchanging that for the intake of cooler air from outside, the result is a very highly regulated, insulated, comfortable environment within.
  • The hospital-grade HEPA air filtration system ensures the cleanest, freshest air you’ll find in the city. A separate alternative and interesting effect from the original design of the 1903 building is the the chimney effect. These shafts (considered innovative at the time) began to be incorporated into row-house design in response to the tuberculosis epidemic. This feature, in the current structure, affords natural ventilation (100% air change in minutes) when the outside air cooperates. 
  • The solar hot water panel works to warm water by utilizing the sun’s rays and reduce electricity use.
  • All appliances are high efficiency, including Energy Star and induction cook tops, and water-sensing dual flush toilets ensure decreased water waste.
  • A multitude of materials were reused in the building process, including an art school printing table made from existing wood joints.
  • Read more about Passive House construction costs for typical custom house here, including the benefits from these enhanced features through cleaner air, more comfortable indoor environment and lower energy costs.

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